- Description
- Objectives
- Outline
- Materials
- Certification
- System Requirements
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Our Complete Career Training Programs (CCTP) include both the training you need and the skills you will want in order to be prepared for your new career. We have taken online career programs to a whole new level by bundling our Career Training with Personal Enrichment courses to ensure you have a diversified learning experience.
Our mentor-supported career courses focus on the industry standards that prepare you for your chosen career or certification. You will also get our smaller, four-week long, instructor-led personal enrichment courses to further your employment training.
Sign up today for this all-inclusive career training program!
Teacher's Aide
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify effective instructional techniques used in a learning environment
- Recall techniques for developing as a paraprofessional, such proper communication skills and professional ethics
- Define the responsibilities of a paraprofessional and recognize day to day tasks
- Recognize methods for supporting basic math and pre-algebra skills
- List methods for supporting primary English language and composition skills
Child & Adolescent Development
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify historical and current perspectives of child development as well as various research methods
- Recall the basics of genetic foundations as well as stages of development from conception to birth
- Recognize the elements of physical development and ways to stay healthy
- List theories of intelligence, cognitive and language development, as well as steps for information processing
- Define the processes for the development of emotions, moral development, attachment, development of gender and play
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define the principles of integrating a healthy childhood lifestyle to achieve optimal growth and development
- List the basics of infectious diseases and how they affect health
- Identify the methods for maintaining a safe environment which reduces the risk of injury
- Recall the procedures for assessing social and emotional development of children
- Recognize the standards of nutrition and the process of planning healthy meals
Classroom Management Secrets
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify how to create a positive and warm learning environment through classroom management
- Recall ways to cope with difficult students and diffuse potential conflicts
- List the specific strategies that improve intrinsic motivation
- Recognize classroom management techniques
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize ways paraprofessionals support classrooms
- Recall how to meet the needs of diverse learners in varying environments
- Identify behavior management techniques used in the classroom
- List the expectations and duties of a teaching assistant
SMART Board Training
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize the basics of how to use a SMART Board
- Recall how to create and work with notebook pages
- Identify the basic tools of SMART technology
- List the tips and shortcuts for using a SMART notebook
Creating Safe Classroom Environments
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Describe how to create safe learning environments for social and emotional needs
- Recall child centered teaching practices and how to cultivate diversity
- Identify how to foster classroom relationships among educators and students
- Recognize how to develop caring learning environments
Teacher's Aide
Teacher’s Aide Module 1
Effective Instruction for the Paraprofessional
- Attributes Required of Paraprofessionals
- Nature of the Work
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Instructional Supervision
- Effective Instruction and Curriculum
- Student Abilities
- How Do I Know if Students Are Learning?
- Effective Instruction Cycle
- Guided Learning
Teacher’s Aide Module 2
Instruction in the Learning Environment
- Monitoring Instructional Effectiveness
- Relationship Between Teacher Behavior and Student Outcomes
- Making Progress Toward Student Goals
- Appropriate Feedback
- Organization and Management of the Learning Environment
- Selecting Curriculum
- Achievement Standards and Testing
- Learner Characteristics
- Metacognition and Learning Styles
- Culture, Ethnicity and Diversity
- Social Influences
Teacher’s Aide Module 3
Student Behavior and Classroom Management
- Effective Instruction and Its Influence on Behavior
- Setting, Teaching and Adhering to Classroom Rules
- Classroom Routines and Procedures
- Recognizing and Rewarding Appropriate Behaviors
- Praise
- Dealing with Inappropriate Behaviors
- Increasing Academic Learning Time
- Transitions
- Methods for Observation and Recording
Teacher’s Aide Module 4
- Laws and Regulations Affecting Paraprofessionals’ Roles
- Education at the National Level
- State Regulations for Paraprofessionals
- Classroom Level Regulations
- Professional Behavior
- Ethics
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Evaluation of Students
- Evaluation of Adults
- Paraprofessional Reflection
- Improvement Goals
Teacher’s Aide Module 5
Basic Math and Pre-Algebra
- Counting Numbers
- Integers
- Rational Numbers
- Real Numbers
- Place Value
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponents
- Square Roots
- Absolute Value
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Percents
Teacher’s Aide Module 6
Picturing and Measuring
- Scientific Notation
- Measurements
- Graphs
- Statistics
- Geometry
- Word Problems
- Performing Operations with Sets
- Algebraic Expressions
Teacher’s Aide Module 7
Grammar Basics
- Nouns
- Determiners
- Quantifiers
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Verbs
- Verb Tenses
- Prepositions
- Sentences and Punctuation
- Usage and Style
- The Paragraph
Teacher’s Aide Module 8
Writing in Your Everyday Life
- Writing for School
- Writing for Work
- Writing for Social Situations
- Getting Creative
- Digital World
- Cheat Sheets
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Child & Adolescent Development
Child & Adolescent Development Module 1
Introduction to Child Development
- Domains and Periods of Development
- Historical Development
- Theoretical Foundations
- Psychoanalytic Perspective
- Psychosocial Development
- Learning Theory
- Cognitive Perspective
- Contextual Perspective
- Biological Perspective
- Dynamic Systems Perspective
Child & Adolescent Development Module 2
Understanding the Issues: Child Development Research
- Issues in Development
- Nature and Nurture
- Child Development Research
- Research Methods
- Correlational Research
- Experimental Method
- Developmental Research Designs
- Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Study
- Challenging Conclusions
Child & Adolescent Development Module 3
Genetics, Conception and Prenatal Development
- Genetic Foundations
- Types of Genes
- Genetic Abnormalities
- Conception and Pregnancy
- Fetal Period
- Prenatal Influences
- Prenatal Tests
- Infertility and Reproductive Choices
- Adoption
Child & Adolescent Development Module 4
Birth and the Newborn
- Variations in Birthing Practices
- Delivery Options
- Stages of Childbirth
- Newborn Assessment
- Pre-term and Low Birth Weight
- Early Infant Care
- Infant Nutrition and Health
- Infant States of Arousal
- Infant Perception
Child & Adolescent Development Module 5
Physical Development
- General Patterns of Growth
- Neuropsychology
- Brain Development
- Increased Complexity in Neural Organization
- Maturation
- Bowel and Bladder Control
- Physical Disabilities
- Vision and Speech
- Puberty
Child & Adolescent Development Module 6
Health and Safety
- Mortality and Prevention Efforts
- Safety in Childhood and Adolescence
- Illnesses
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Nutrition and Activity
- Malnutrition
- Overweight and Obesity in Childhood
- Eating Disorders
Child & Adolescent Development Module 7
Cognitive Development
- Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory
- Stages of Cognitive Development
- Evaluation of Theory
- Sociocultural Theory
- Social Constructivism
- Zone of Proximal Development
- Scaffolding
- Learning in Context
Child & Adolescent Development Module 8
Cognitive Development: Information Processing
- Information-Processing Approach
- Memory Systems
- Fuzzy Trace Theory
- Memory Development Through Childhood
- Attention
- Executive Function
- Cognitive Development in the Classroom
- Metacognition
Child & Adolescent Development Module 9
Language Development
- Theories of Language Development
- Learning Theory
- Language Development and the Brain
- Fundamentals of Language Production
- Oral Communication
- Receptive Language
- Language Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
- The Role of Speech in Cognition
- Literacy Skills
Child & Adolescent Development Module 10
Intelligence and Developmental Disabilities in Education
- Intelligence: Nature and Nurture
- Traditional Intelligence Testing
- Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
- Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Extremes of Intelligence
- Intellectual Disability
- Gifted and Talented
- Developmental Disabilities and Education
- Learning Disabilities
Child & Adolescent Development Module 11
The Developing Personality: Emotions and Temperament
- Development of Emotions
- Positive Emotions
- Negative Emotions
- Social Referencing
- Empathy
- Emotional Regulation
- Temperament
- Infant Temperament
- Depression
Child & Adolescent Development Module 12
The Self and Moral Development
- Foundations: Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
- Expansion of Erikson’s Theory
- Development of Self
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
- Ethnic Identity
- Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
- Carol Gilligan’s Approach
Child & Adolescent Development Module 13
Attachment, Parenting and Families
- Attachment
- Parenting
- Cultural and Contextual Variations in Parenting and Discipline
- Spanking
- Physical Punishment
- Child Maltreatment and Abuse
- Family and Home Environment
- Secular Changes
- Blended Families
Child & Adolescent Development Module 14
Gender and Sexuality
- Development of Gender
- Physical Activity of Boys and Girls in Childhood
- Differences in School Achievement and Learning
- Romantic Relationships and LGBT Teens
- Psychological Effects of Puberty
- Sex
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- A Global Perspective
Child & Adolescent Development Module 15
Play, Peers, School and Media
- Preschool
- High/Scope Perry Preschool Project
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Play
- Friendships and Peer Groups
- Peer Acceptance
- Bullying
- Substance Abuse
- Media and the Internet
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 1
Children’s Well-Being and Health Observations
- Health, Safety, and Nutrition
- Children’s Growth and Development
- Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
- Promoting Children’s Health
- Observation as a Screening Tool
- Daily Health Checks
- Family Involvement
- Health Education
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 2
Health Assessments and Special Medical Conditions
- Health Records
- Screening Procedures
- Referrals
- Inclusive Education: Supporting Children’s Success
- Common Chronic Diseases
- Chronic Medical Conditions
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 3
Infectious Process and Childhood Illnesses
- Risk Factors
- Communicable Illness
- Stages of Illness
- Control Measures
- Common Communicable Childhood Illnesses
- Common Acute Childhood Illnesses
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 4
High-Quality Environments and Safety Management
- Identifying High-Quality Programs
- Early Childhood Program Licensure
- Features of High-Quality Programs
- Guidelines for Safe Environments
- Safety Management
- Risk Management
- Implementing Safety Practices
- Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 5
Keeping Children Safe
- Responding to Medical Emergencies
- Emergency Care vs. First Aid
- Discipline vs. Punishment
- Abuse and Neglect
- Understanding the Risk Factors for Maltreatment
- Reporting Laws
- Family Involvement in Health and Safety Education
- Teacher Inservice in Health and Safety Education
- Effective Instructional Design
- Activity Plans
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 6
Food and Nutrients: Basic Concepts
- Nutrition Guidelines
- MyPlate
- Food Labels
- Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins
- Children and At-Risk Nutrients
- Proteins
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Water and Growth
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 7
Nutrition and the Young Child
- Feeding Infants
- Meeting the Infant’s Nutritional Needs for Growth and Brain Development
- Feeding Time for the Infant
- Introducing Semi-Sold Foods
- Feeding Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age Children
- Challenges of Feeding
- Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition Module 8
Developing Menus and Food Safety
- Developing the Menu
- Nutritious Snacks
- Planning the Menu Within Budget
- Food Safety
- Food-Related Illness
- Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
- Food-Borne Illnesses
- Rationale for Teaching Children about Nutrition
- Developing Lesson Plans for Nutrition Activities
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Classroom Management Secrets
Classroom Management Secrets Problems Module 1
Creating a Positive Learning Environment
This module gives an overview of “The Classroom Management Secret” as defined by the author of the textbook. Items of interest include how to create a positive and warm learning environment, the importance of teaching students your classroom management plan, and how to use your personality effectively in order to elicit appropriate student behaviors.
- The Classroom Management Secret
- The Biggest First Day of School You Can Make
- How to Teach Your Classroom Management Plan
- Classroom Management and the Power of Your Personality
- How Your Classroom Environment Can Improve Behavior
Classroom Management Secrets Module 2
How to Manage Difficult Students and Conflicts
This module addresses many issues for coping with difficult students when classroom management plans are not adhered to by the difficult students. It also addresses how to manage student conflicts among each other.
- Why You Need to Draw a Line in the Sand with Difficult Students
- Why You Shouldn’t Ask Misbehaving Students to Explain Themselves
- Soul-Searching Things to Say to Difficult Students
- Ways to Build Rapport With Difficult Students
- How to Handle Student Drama
Classroom Management Secrets Module 3
Improving Intrinsic Motivation
This module offers specific strategies with regard to improving intrinsic motivation in students. Some items of interest include student boredom, why micromanaging is not effective, and how to improve student attention.
- Why Reminders Make Classroom Management More Difficult
- Simple ways to Improve Listening
- Things Teachers Do to Cause Boredom
- Ways to Capture Students’ Attention
- How to Fuel Your Students’ Intrinsic Motivation
Classroom Management Secrets Module 4
Restarting Your Classroom Management Plan
The final module describes how teachers can “restart” their classroom management plan in the middle of a school year if things are going badly. It gives simple advice on what to do if you have lost control of your classroom. It also encourages teachers to monitor their own personality traits that may impede their classroom management plan.
- What to Do When You Realize You Have Lost Control of Your Classroom
- How to Press the “Restart” Button on Classroom Management
- Improving Classroom Management By Doing Less
- Why You Should Never, Ever Yell at Students
- Ways to Be a Calmer, More Effective Teacher
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant Module 1 Chapters 1 - 2
Module one introduces you to a day in the life of a paraprofessional, including their roles and responsibilities. Strategies for building positive relationships with parents, caregivers, students and co-workers are provided, as well as professional codes of conduct for the classroom. Tips for reading body language and reducing stressful situations are also addressed.
- Educational Collaboration
- Professionalism in the Classroom
- Building Effective Relationships
- Effective Communication
- Language to Reduce Stressful Situations
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant Module 2 Chapters 3 - 4
Diverse Classrooms and Learners
Module two discusses measures to meet the needs of diverse learners in varying environments. Personality differences, multiple learning styles and developmental disabilities, including emotional and physical disabilities are all challenges a Teaching Assistant may face. This module provides strategies for ensuring proper academic guidance and needs are being met.
- Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners
- Working with Children with Disabilities
- Language Diversity in the Classroom
- Effective Instructional Strategies
- Working One-on-One with Students
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant Module 3 Chapters 5 - 6
Behavior Management
Module three focuses on establishing classroom rules, providing clear expectations to students and encouraging good choices and decision making. Effective and appropriate discipline strategies are discussed. Methods for keeping students safe are all addressed, such as keeping the classroom safe, proper playground safety and emergency guidelines.
- Classroom Rules
- Encourage Good Choices and Decision Making
- Discipline
- Proper Supervision
- Student Safety
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant Module 4 Chapters 7 - 8
School Duties
Module four addresses various school duties and additional responsibilities of a Teaching Assistant. Some of these include bus monitoring, working with the school PTA coordinating events and fundraisers and serving on school improvement teams. Finally, proctoring standardized exams and helping with student clubs are included.
- Bus, Breakfast and Lunch Duty
- Car Riders and Lines
- School PTA
- Student Clubs
- Standardized Exams
SMART Board Training
SMARTBoard Training Module 1
Getting Started with Your SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard
Module one will touch the basics of how to use a SMART Board. We will start at the beginning, with turning it on, calibration, setting it up and configuring the components and software.
- Exploring the Interactive Whiteboard
- Introducing the Interactive Whiteboard Tools
- Setting Up Your SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard
- Configuring Your SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard and Components
- Performing Basic Tasks With Your SMART Board
SMARTBoard Training Module 2
Creating Lessons and Presentations with SMART Notebook Collaborative Learning Software
In Module two, we will look at how to create and work with the notebook pages in your SMART software. We will explore how to add your own content and work with objects within the program. This module will allow you to discover all of the exciting components of SMART board allowing you to create exciting and interactive lessons and presentations.
- Exploring and Working with SMART Notebook Files
- Creating and Working with SMART Notebook Pages
- Creating and Working with Objects
- Adding Your Own Content to SMART Notebook Pages
- Using Content from SMART Resources
SMARTBoard Training Module 3
Adding Interactive Tools and Collaborating Activities to Create Lessons or Presentations
Module three will go over how to access and use the basic tools of SMART technology to include: Recorder, Video Player, On Screen Keyboard, Instant Conferencing, and more! We will look at how to include these features in your daily use. Completing this module will help you understand the basics of using these interactive tools.
- Displaying Files in Different Views
- Using Presentation Tools
- Adding Multimedia to Your Lesson or Presentation
- Conferencing Tools
- SMART Meeting Pro Software
SMARTBoard Training Module 4
Putting It All Together
SMART Board is a great tool! With all of the accessories and interactions it allows you to have with your audience, it is a must have for any instructor. Module four will give tips and shortcuts on how to use your system and will also discuss troubleshooting hints for those moments you are having a difficult time getting the system running! Module four also provides you with many ways to use the technology to involve your audience.
- Accessories
- Hints, Tips, and Shortcuts
- Ways to Involve Your Audience
- Resources
- Troubleshooting
Creating Safe Classroom Environments
Creating Safe Classroom Environments Module 1
Listening and Teaching for Understanding
Classrooms are socially dynamic environments. Our first module introduces the practices of creating identity safe classrooms. We’ll discuss the theory and research behind these practices. Finally, we’ll describe how to listen to students and teach for understanding.
- Introduction to Identity Safe Teaching Practices
- From Theory, to Research, to Transforming Practice
- Listening to Students’ Voices
- Teaching for Understanding
Creating Safe Classroom Environments Module 2
Child Centered Teaching and Diversity
Module two of our course covers a variety of topics. We’ll discuss how creating cooperative environments and promoting autonomy supports student development. Also, diversity can absolutely be used as a resource for teaching.
- Focus on Cooperation
- Classroom Autonomy
- Using Diversity as a Resource for Teaching
- Using These Elements as Resources
Creating Safe Classroom Environments Module 3
Classroom Relationships
Teachers should always set high expectations for their students and these expectations should be communicated appropriately. Creating challenging curriculum helps promote high expectations. We’ll discuss these aspects in this module.
- High Expectations and Academic Rigor
- Challenging Curriculum
- Teacher Warmth
- Availability to Support Learning
Creating Safe Classroom Environments Module 4
Caring Classrooms
The final module of this course discusses how to foster a caring classroom environment. We’ll describe how to promote positive student relationships, provide emotional comfort, and prosocial development.
- Positive Student Relationships
- Teacher Skills
- Emotional and Physical Comfort
- Attention to Prosocial Development
All course materials included.
Teacher's Aide
Upon successful completion this course, students will be prepared for an entry-level position in the field and to sit for the ETS’ ParaPro Assessment Certification exam. States may require additional education and experience for employment.
Note: This course is not affiliated with, nor has it been endorsed by ETS.
Child & Adolescent Development
Child Health, Safety and Nutrition
Classroom Management Secrets
Discover a Career as a Teaching Assistant
SMART Board Training
Creating Safe Classroom Environments
Internet Connection
- Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections
*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.
Hardware Requirements
- Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
- Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended
PC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player
MAC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
- Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Apple QuickTime Media Player